Millimeter wave frequencies offer a new frontier for communication. Realizing the overcrowding taking place at RF and microwave frequencies, the United States Federal Commision (FCC) and other regulatory agencies have looked to higher frequencies asn a way to add bandwidth and services. All that is missing is low-cost millimeter wave components to assemble affortable communications infrastructure and user devices to take advantage of the wide open bandwidth. Millimeter wave aim improve broad bandwidths, millimeter wave frequencies are so named for wavelengths of the signal, ranging from about 10 to 1 mm and covering frequencies from about 30 to 300 GHz.
The have traditionally seen use on military radar and missile seeker and guidance system. In 2003 the United States Federal Commission (FCC), seeking to open millimeter wave frequencies to commercial communications use, adopted a report and order establishing service rules or non-Federal development of certain portions of the millimeter wave spectrum, notably 71 to 70 GHz, 81 to 86 GHz, 91 to 94 GHz, and 94.1 to 95.0 GHz. Frequencies bands were made available in 1.25 GHz blocks on a non-exclusive basis.
Coordination of the spectrum use would be performed by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The wireless Communication Association International (WCA) filed a petition for the FCC to reconsider certain aspects of the report and order but only for the 70 and 80 GHz bands. Among these considerations, all new 70 and 80 GHz users would have to verify in advance that their systems would not cause harmful interference to any existing link.